Doggie Splash Pad

$79.99 $120

Beat The Summer Heat!

Looking for the ultimate summer treat for your furry friend? 💦

Introducing the Doggie Splash Pad – where endless fun meets refreshing coolness for your beloved pup! Dive into playtime like never before while keeping your dog cool and entertained!

Summer Ready!

Our doggie splash pad offers the perfect cool-down solution with adjustable water pressure, catering to dogs of all sizes. Treat your pup to a refreshing escape from the soaring temperatures!

Benefits Of Our Doggie Splash Pad

✔️ Cooling Comfort

The innovative design ensures your furry friend stays cool and comfortable, providing relief from soaring temperatures.

✔️ Stimulating Playtime

The Dog Splash Pad offers a dynamic play surface, stimulating your dog's senses and encouraging healthy, active play that keeps them entertained for hours.

✔️ Versatile Sizing

No matter the size of your dog, the Dog Splash Pad is designed to accommodate all breeds. Size is 150cm.

✔️ Durable and Pet-Safe 

Built to last, made from heavy duty PVC material, designed for the strongest chewers!

✔️ Happy Australian Customers

We take immense pride in knowing that our fellow Australians choose us, time and again, for their needs.

✔️ Australian Owned & Operated

When you choose us, you're choosing to support the dreams and aspirations of your fellow Australians.


Why Your Pup Will Love It?

Temperature-Taming Technology: Crafted with advanced cooling materials, the Doggie Splash Pad ensures your dog stays comfortably chilled while having a blast.

Interactive Water Fun: Watch as your pup discovers the joy of chasing, pouncing, and playing in the gentle spray of water. It's not just a pad; it's a water wonderland for your four-legged friend.

Safe And Easy To Install!

Our doggie splash pad is made from safe materials and easy to install! Made from environmentally friendly, materials BPA-free materials and phthalate free! No need to worry! 

Feel Safe With A 14 Day Money Back Guarantee!

Feel safe with a 14 Day Money Back Guarantee - We are Australia’s leading Homeware store, feel free to contact us within 14 days of arrival and receive a FULL REFUND!


How to Install:

1. Install the gasket on the connector

2. Install the water pipe connector 

3. Connect the garden hose and fill the water

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